Tell 'Em With Telegram

As I watch people search for a place to house their communities, I've seen a big need amongst business owners who want to be able to easily communicate with their audience and have their audience easily communicate with them.

For live cohorts, communities, 1:1 services, and any combination of these.

Using Telegram Messenger app - free for you, free for your audience - could be just what you are looking for.

Imagine not feeling NOT overwhelmed, but instead DELIGHTED!, when you need to communicate with your customers.

Hear me out:

I teach in four niches. I have multiple communities for each of them.

I've been using a Telegram for these communities and for 1:1s - for over three years.

Using Telegram has transformed my business because

  • no one has to log in to anything
  • it's very fast (both for the business owner and the client)
  • it's FUN

For both groups and 1:1, I've never seen a better option.

Connecting and communicating takes literally seconds.

Audio, video, very fun emojis, pinned messages -- all so easy and SO MUCH FUN.

In this class I'll show you how

  • Telegram can be the answer to your community needs
  • it will save you SO MUCH TIME in your business
  • to set and customize your communities

If you choose the 1:1 service, we'll set up your groups and organize them into folders in a get-it-done zoom session. 🚀

Whether you choose the course with the live class (with replay of course)  1:1, you are welcome to my Optimize with Audio community.

By the way, my first experience with Telegram was as a consumer. I purchased a membership whose community was housed in Telegram. It was a HUGE lightbulb moment that made me realize (1) I can teach online, (2) I can teach in all my niches, (3) I can have fun doing this, (4) It doesn't have to be complicated or difficult, and (4) all these can be accomplished because of a FREE APP!

I can't wait to get started helping you set up your community on Telegram so that you can communicate with ease with your audience.


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 Tell 'Em With Telegram
 $ 9.00 USD
 Course AND 1:1 Get-It-Done Session (30 min)
 $ 49.00 USD

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